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We Believe Community Is Essential to Our Faith

We recognize the importance of building relationships with one another and supporting each other in times of need. Our church welcomes all people and provides numerous ways for new churchgoers to connect. If you are looking for fellowship and worship, you will find them in our close-knit community. Whether you choose to attend Sunday service, one of our life groups, or ministries, we’re confident you will find a safe and nourishing environment to grow in your relationship with Christ.

woman getting baptized


Baptism is an important step of obedience that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation. Jesus was baptized when He was on the earth, and we do this to follow His example. When Christians are baptized, they are submerged under water to identify with the death and burial of Jesus and raised out of the water to identify with His resurrection.


Get Baptized

More Information About Baptism

two church members at sunday mass

Make Sunday Great!

We offer many different teams to make it easy for you to serve. From helping prep coffee to praising Jesus on the Worship Team. Each team makes Sunday Great!

group of people at meeting

Life Groups at ESTwo47

It is a place where relationships are cultivated, care is extended, Godly truth is encountered, and maturity is fostered in our lives. We have life groups that meet weekly. If you are interested let us know and we will help you join a life group.

mothers with kids at church

Children’s Ministry

We offer engaging activities, workshops, and age-appropriate events, all aimed at fostering spiritual growth. Through sharing the Bible stories that instill important values in children of all ages.

group of men having lunch

Men’s Ministry

Our men’s ministry addresses the challenges men face today through bible study over breakfast, retreats, and exciting events.

group of women sitting in the steps

Women’s Ministry

Women can build connections and find fulfillment through engaging Bible study, empowering events, and rejuvenating retreats.

church choir


Experience the heart and soul of our vibrant church community through worship. Our services will bring us closer to the divine presence of God.