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Mission Statement

Our mission at ES TWO47 Church is to Know Christ And Make Him Known.

We believe, since meeting Jesus we process the most powerful, life-changing news ever told and we are obsessed with sharing it with our community.’

In Matthew 28:18–20, Jesus instructs His church to make disciples of non-believers, baptize them, and teach them to be more like Jesus.

For us, there is no greater privilege to lead people into a growing, life-giving relationship with Jesus, and be a part of watching Him/Her make living testimonies of His great love for us. We would love you to be a part of our story!

lady praying

Our Beliefs

  • The Bible is the inspired word of God.
  • There is one true God.
  • The Deity of Jesus Christ.
  • All people are created in the image of God and have eternal value.
  • Mankind is fundamentally sinful and in need of a savior.
  • Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone.
  • The local church is a movement of God’s people to fulfill the Great Commission.

Discover Your Purpose at Our Stevensville, MD Church